The provision of alternate personnel and additional resources, the ability to review, investigation, design, determination, calculation of the costs and planning in accordance with best practice, are essential conditions of success.
In the context of the implementation of the System for the Health and Safety at Work, the Management of the DB Cleaning aims:
The ultimate goal of the company is the execution of all tasks with the best quality and time requirements and, without accident or incident that would harm human health. The health and safety of workers is a concern of all those involved in the activities of the company and depends above all on ourselves. To reduce the risk of its activities (within and outside the company), the company relies on the prevention of dangerous situations.
The policy and objectives of the company DB Cleaning for the health and safety of workers, are applied by all employees at all levels of the company and all together, recognizing the individual risks of their work space, contribute to the improvement of the performance Management System Health & Safety at Work.
Coordination, supervision and control of employees in Companies Providing Cleaning Services plays a key role.
For this reason our Company giving huge importance, has organized the program of control of Supervisors in such a way as to be able to control substantially and meticulously services in each area as well as the extent of the quality of the service provided.
Our company with the start of a new project defines a responsible supervisor who with the onset and during the duration of the project responsible for:
It covers the needs of every project for supplies and equipment.